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Confidence Coaching


  • Being assertive with friends or family members

  • Expressing our feelings

  • Or just not feeling good enough



At some point, most of us go through life not feeling confident about something. It could be:


  • Starting a new career

  • Putting ourselves out there in the dating world

  • Speaking publicly or in social gatherings

Yes, I have been there!

I get it! 


Do you feel that you want to achieve or overcome something but just don’t have the self-belief and confidence to do so?


Do you sometimes find yourself putting things off till a later date, only to find yourself making more excuses?


Do you often ask your friends for advice or opinions, as you don’t trust your own judgement or simply don’t know the answers?


Is procrastination a regular, unwelcomed visitor holding you back from fulfilling your dreams?

As a confidence coach, I can help you to:


  • re-discover your self-worth and value, so that you can build meaningful relationships


  • emerge your inner warrior, so that you can apply your profound strength to multiple areas of your life


  • calibrate a mindset, which adopts skills of self-belief and improves your outer reality


  • eliminate limiting beliefs and habits to establish more nurturing thought patterns


Let me revive you to bring that catalyst for change in your life!

"Unravel the greatness within, then see if you are stoppable!”
                           Niketa Vakani

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