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Breakup Coaching

A break-up can feel like the end of the world.

You can experience a variety of emotions- sadness, pain, hurt, disappointment, guilt, anger…This can lead to feeling rejected, confused or lonely.


Some people feel as though their world has been turned upside down and that life will never provide the same joy again. Many people feel low, lose their appetite and have less enthusiasm to do things.


You are not alone!

Healing and recovery can take some time, self-work and support. While there will be some good and bad days, this feeling won’t last forever.


Coaching after a break up, can help you to move on so that you can find happiness again and come out feeling stronger at the other end. 


Are you still contacting the other person and want to break these habits?


It’s hard to break away from familiarity. You see we form habits that are associated with our significant other. You want to pick up your phone and tell that person about moments of your day. You miss the physical aspects- the hugs, the playfulness.


Are you still stalking their social media and want to break free from this?


We have all been there! It’s human nature. The pain of not seeing them- not knowing what they are up to-how they are coping. It is tempting to flick through their Instagram and see where they are going, and who they are with.


Essentially, you're just fueling your brain's need for this person and you're prolonging the process of getting over them by social media stalking them.


Do you feel lonely?


You may be feeling a huge gap in your life right now. You don’t know how to feel complete again.


Yes, it’s painful!


​Are you receiving too much advice from others?


While our friends can mean well and be our pillars in times of need, what may work for that friend may not work for you. They may give conflicting advice, which you spend nights pondering on, “Did I do the right thing?”


​Are you tempted to rush into dating?


Are you really ready for this or are you just trying to fill that void in your life? Either way, you may need coaching to work out the next best steps for you.


Do you compare everyone to your previous partner?


It may feel that nobody can measure up to your ex-his personality, his humour, perhaps even his body! You cannot comprehend how it would be possible to be with someone else different. How will you connect as you did with your previous partner?


We all desire something unique from our relationships.


Remember, don’t compare yourself or your relationships to others, we are all different!


As a Breakup Coach, I can help you to:


  • work through the challenges listed above, so that you can process your emotions in a healthy manner


  • find a way out of a spiralling, negative state and restore a more positive mindset towards a brighter future


  • ​find hope, purpose and joy in your life again!


Yes it is possible to achieve all this!


Contact me for your free Discovery session now!

"We need to be in the right place mentally, emotionally and spiritually before we can invest our emotions on another." 
                            Niketa Vakani

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